"Through the Power Cluster I was able to launch my coaching business. I got super clear and focused about what my passions, my vision and what my purpose was... and the people I wanted to work with. " - Rezan L.

"The Power Cluster helped me achieve my goal faster. During the 6 months it made me accountable and helped me create structure." - Brian Walsh

Vision Quest
Where do you want to be in 6 months? A year or 10? You will find out by diving deep and finding your authentic self.

Ignite Your Passion
Start living a life full of excitement, joy and fulfillment by reconnecting to your passions. Then learn how to use them to realize your true purpose.

Reconnect Your Purpose
You'll uncover the gift that you and only you can give the world.
Your gift will awaken your Life’s Purpose –which will excite you, fuel you and keep you in total
flow as you launch your “Big Project” and actualize your Grand Vision.

6 - Month Blueprint
Once you've clarified your Passion, Purpose and Grand Vision for your life (PPG)...You'll create a blueprint to turn your PPG into reality within 6 months.

Breakthrough your limiting beliefs
Become aware of the hidden beliefs and underlying commitments that are hindering your progress and blocking you from reaching your desired outcome – and undo them.

Team Support
Tribe up! and become part of a powerful team of loyal, committed co-creators who will support you and join with you in your Vision to make it reality. habitasse vitae cubilia.